Hi again, GEPIK orientation attendees. It was nice to meet all of you today. I hope you get some great, new ideas and continue to motivate yourselves and your students. During my first presentation (from 1:30-2:30), there was a technical problem with the projector/computer and somebody helped us get things going. Sorry that I didn't get to thank you again, but you saved my butt today! If I can return the favor, please let me know. I'll be posting more info, templates and tips in the near future and hope it can be helpful to you all. Have fun!


  1. Hi Johan! Thank you so much for the great presentation and all of the wonderful ideas. I was impressed by your PPTs and the way that you approach your classes. I spend HOURS on PPTs and mine don't look anything like yours, lol! It makes me want to work that much harder. Anyway, thanks again. I'm happy that you have this blog, so I'm going to take a look around and see if I can get some other ideas from you. *^^* You really motivated me to inject some more life into my classes. And that's a good thing, right? Thanks again! "We will teach you English!" Very nice-eu touch, sir. *^^*

  2. Hi Ren! Thanks for the nice comments. If you like, I can try to keep you updated via e-mail; just drop me a line at johanpyoung@gmail.com. Gotta run back to Yangpyeong now for another presentation tomorrow morning! Take care and talk again soon when I have a bit more time...Cheers


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